Neck Lift

Necklift surgery is a great option for men and women who want to do something about sagging skin in their neck area that has lost its elasticity. This is a very common problem for aging adults, as the muscles under your skin begin to naturally become weaker. If you’re considering necklift surgery, read on to learn everything you need to know before making your decision.

What Every Patient Needs to Consider Before Necklift Surgery

There are many factors that contribute to a sagging neck over time—genetics, sun exposure, natural gravity and even stresses as you age. Fat deposits can form around the neck and chin. Surgery helps to tighten those areas and remove visible signs of sagging. If this sounds like you, then Dr. Leonard may be able to help. The best candidates for surgery are those with skin that is beginning to sag but still has some elastic skin. Most of Dr. Leonard’s patients are between 40 and 60 years in age and have a solid bone structure. If you are in your 70s or 80s, don’t rule out surgery. Just talk to Dr. Leonard first, who can go over all of the risks.

Remember that all surgery involves risk — and you have to determine what is appropriate for you, your body and your current health condition.

Although there are many common conditions one will experience following surgery, recover time and specific symptoms will vary by patient. This includes bruising, infection, pain and more. Your
lifelong smokers have an increased chance in poor healing of their skin. Discuss all of the factors
and your questions with Dr. Leonard.

How to Plan for Your Necklift Surgery

First, you’ll book a consultation with Dr. Leonard, who will evaluate your neck and the condition of your skin as well as your medical history. From there, the two of you can make the decision about moving forward with surgery. Make sure you tell Dr. Leonard of all of your pre-existing conditions – such as high blood pressure or a history of heart disease. You’ll also need to tell him whether you are taking medications, smoke or drink alcohol regularly – and if you regularly take aspirin, which can interact with blood clotting.

As you prepare for your surgery, make sure you follow the guidelines for drinking, eating, taking medications, consuming alcohol and other restrictions. If you do not follow them properly, Dr. Leonard may have to make the decision to delay your surgery in order to protect your health. Finally, if you have short hair, consider growing it out a few months so that it will be long enough to hide your scars – if that matters to you.

On the day of surgery, you likely will need to have a loved one drive you to and from your appointment, as necklight surgery is performed under some type of anesthesia and usually is an outpatient surgery.

What Types of Anesthesia Are Available to Me?

You will not go through necklift surgery without some type of anesthesia—and there are several available to you. Most surgeries use local anesthesia and a sedative. You will remain awake during the surgery and you may feel tugging, but you will be drowsy and you won’t feel pain. Another option will be general anesthesia, in which you will be asleep the entire time. What Happens During Necklift Surgery? As you prepare for your necklift surgery, there are several things you should keep in mind. First is how long your surgery will take. Often it will take several hours. If you are having another surgery done at the same time, it will take a few more hours. Dr. Leonard may suggest two different surgery sessions, depending on your surgical plan. The incisions Dr. Leonard will make depend on both his technique and your unique facial makeup. It is different for every patient, but usually there is an incision near your earlobe that stretches behind your ear to your scalp line. There also usually is an incision made under your chin so that Dr. Leonard can trim away any fat in this area and give you a more contoured chin. Finally, Dr. Leonard will pull your skin back to tighten it and remove the excess skin. The procedure is finished off with stitches and sometimes metal clips for your scalp. Because this is a surgery and blood is involved, Dr. Leonard may insert a drainage tube under your skin, just behind your ear, so that any blood that pools in this area can be removed immediately. What to Expect After Surgery There are several outcomes of surgery that you’ll want to note. You may experience pain, numbness and swelling following necklift surgery—and that scares many patients at first because you may not see the person that went into surgery. But remember that things will be looking very different in just a few days and weeks. Also, remember that pain and swelling can be mediated by prescription pain medication. In addition, if you experience overwhelming sudden swelling or pain that persists, you’ll want to inform Dr. Leonard immediately. In addition, the numbness you may experience is likely to lesson over the next few weeks. Dr. Leonard may suggest trying to keep your head elevated and still for several days, as this helps to decrease swelling. A few days after surgery, your drainage tube – if you had one – will be removed, followed by bandages. Finally, most patients’ stitches are removed at Dr. Leonard’s office after about five days. Your stitches in your scalp may take a little longer to be removed – up to about 10 days – to allow the scalp to recover.Getting Used to the New You After necklift surgery it is very common to be out of bed and getting active after about two days, but you’ll need to be very careful and vigilant during that first week. You don’t want to do anything that would cause further trauma, bruising or unnecessary soreness to your neck and face. Your skin will be tender. Don’t be alarmed if your skin feels numb. This is quite common. Among the activities you’ll need to avoid include: Exacting house work; Sexual activity; Drinking alcohol; Visiting the sauna or any other steam-infused activity; Going to a tanning bed or spending time in the sun; Strenuous exercise; Dr. Leonard often tells his patients recovering from necklift surgery that doing some walking or light stretching is permitted, but the bottom line is to be good to your body over the first few weeks and into the recovery period of the next few months. You want to get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, hydrate properly and relax. As you recover, you may notice that your skin is swollen, bruised and feels firm or rough. Sometimes patients feel disappointed with the results at first, but as the weeks pass, your skin’s condition improves and you’ll begin to see the results. Remember that using camouflage makeup can help to mask the scarring and bruising you may experience. Are You Ready for a New Look? Get It With a Necklift in Your Future Millions of women and men throughout the world face issues associated with an aging neck, as the skin around that area begins to lose its elascity and sag. When this happens, it can be difficult to accept your aging body when you still remember the way it looked in more youthful years. The good news is that there is hope for regaining that look. A necklift is a surgical option that will help to reduce sagging and make the skin around your neck together and more youthful. There are new issues that necklift patients will have to get used to, but all of them are easy to work through. For example, patients may experience swollen skin, bruises in the neck area and some scarring. The hair around the forehead may thin, and your skin may take on a rough texture. In addition, men and women with facial hair, may need to get used to hair in different places – such as behind the ear – because their skin has been repositioned. The good news is that many of the symptoms patients experience after a necklift surgery are remedied after a few months, as your skin gets used to its new position, becomes hydrated and takes on new life. In fact, many patients report that scars left over by necklift surgery often disappear or are not very visible several months after surgery. Remember, a necklift doesn’t mean you’re buying the fountain of youth – and you may need another one in several years, depending on how your body is developing with age. However, you can improve the look of your neck significantly for several years, and you will look better than you would have without necklift surgery. The choice is up to you – but the benefits and results will make you happy to look into the mirror!


Contact Leonard Plastic Surgery

Leonard Plastic Surgery

Water Place │ 500 Liberty Street S.E., Suite 400 │ Salem, OR 97301

(503) 391-2760 │

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