Patient B.
Latissimus Dorsi Flap Implant
This patient is 39 years old, and she was previously treated for right breast aggressive cancer with a mastectomy, as well as chemotherapy and right breast/chest wall radiation therapy. Her preoperative pictures are show the discoloration and damage to her chest wall from radiation. She spoke with Dr. Leonard in consultation for right breast reconstruction, but also wished to have a left mastectomy to reduce her cancer risk on her left side. Her surgical oncologist was consulted with also, and she had immediate reconstruction with latissimus dorsi flaps. After expansion, the final implants placed were high profile, silicone gel. On the left breast, the mastectomy was done through an areolar incision, and the back tissue was used to refill this hole. Through this area, the tissue was used for nipple reconstruction. On the right side, latissimus dorsi muscle and tissue was brought for additional tissue to stretch. Following radiation therapy the skin becomes very tight. She completed her nipple reconstruction and tattooing. Post operative photos show that the skin on the right chest wall has improved because of better blood supply from the skin and muscle flap. She is really happy with her reconstructive outcome.