Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as eyelid surgery, is conducted in order to remove mainly fat as well as surplus skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. If You’re Considering Eyelid Surgery… There are a few factors to look at when thinking...

Ear Surgery

Ear Pinning Surgery Otoplasty, or plastic surgery on the ear, is typically performed to pin prominent ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. Ear surgery can improve the ear's figure or placement on the head. Otoplasty is used to create...

Chin Surgery

Chin Augmentation Chin augmentation, which is also known as genioplasty or mentoplasty, is a procedure that is designed to reshape the chin. There are several things that Dr. Leonard can do to accomplish this. He can reshape the chin bone or put an implant inside of...

Brow Lift

Brow Lift A brow lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure meant to reduce wrinkles and frown lines, raise drooping eyebrows and give the face a youthful frame. The procedure is also sometimes referred to as a forehead lift. The brow lift or forehead lift is often paired...